
1st General Assembly Meetings of the IncoNet EaP and IncoNet CA projects (Vienna, 13-14 October 2014)

Tue, 21/10/2014

The Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI, Austria) and CeRISS co-organised the 1st General Assembly meetings of the FP7 projects IncoNet Central Asia (CA) and IncoNet Eastern Partnership (EaP) on 13 and 14 October respectively, one year after their inception. 

During the meetings, partners discussed the progress that has been achieved until today, and presented the planned activities for the next year. The forthcoming milestone events for 2015 are the Policy Mix Peer Reviews to be implemented in Armenia, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan; the Benchmarking Exercise that will target research institutes in the field of Energy across the Central Asian countries; the enhancement of links between EU Innovation platforms and the EaP and CA countries and two Policy Stakeholders Conferences in the field of Energy to be organized in Astana, Kazakhstan, and Minsk, Belarus. 

Both IncoNet EaP and IncoNet CA projects are being implemented with a particular emphasis on increasing the participation of EaP and CA countries in Horizon 2020 through a number of activities (Info Days, Grant opportunities, ad-hoc activities) which are being carried out along the duration of the project.

The General Assembly meetings took place at the premises and with the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy in Vienna.