
Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility - Peer Review of the Moldovan Research and Innovation system

Fri, 30/09/2016

Dr George Bonas, founding member and managing director of CeRISS, was co-rapporteur and co-author of the Peer review of the Moldovan Research and Innovation System, in the frame of the Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility. 

The Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF) has been set up by the Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (DG RTD) of the European Commission under the EU Framework Programme for Research & Innovation ‘Horizon 2020’.

It supports Member States and countries associated to Horizon 2020 in reforming their national science, technology and innovation systems.

The Peer Review of the Moldovan Research and Innovation system at the basis of this report was carried out between November 2015 and May 2016 by a dedicated PSF panel, consisting of seven independent experts and national peers. The Moldovan national authorities expressed strong political commitment to this exercise.

The PSF panel arrived at a compact set of Policy Messages highlighted upfront in the report, which contains the rationale supporting each of those policy statements and discusses the 24 specific recommendations proposed by the panel, clustered into thematic areas.

Case studies from other countries supplement the narrative by presenting good practice that could facilitate the operational implementation of the panel recommendations.

Please visit this link to download the full report.