
IncoNet Eastern Partnership Conclusions Publication

Mon, 16/10/2017

After the successful conclusion of the Inconet EaP project, CeRISS has taken the initiative to publish a booklet with the conclusions of the project, titled "IncoNet Eastern Partnersip: Evaluation of Activities with Recommendations for Future Actions".

This document presents a thorough evaluation of the outcome of the coordinating activities of the IncoNet EaP project with an explicit focus on the Societal Challenges (SC) identified to be of mutual interest for the EU and Eastern Partnership countries, i.e. Energy, Climate Change and Health. In addition, a set of recommendations on EU-EaP Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) cooperation are presented, including topics of mutual interest per SC, best means of research cooperation, promotion of innovation, and drivers of EU-EaP research cooperation. The report is based on the Project’s deliverable “Del. 1.5 Evaluation Report of the coordinating activities in WP1 with recommendations for future actions’’. Its full version can be found at

You can download the pdf file here: [IncoNet EaP booklet]