(+30) 210 9408869 61, Raidestou street, 17122 Nea Smyrni, Greece

Dr. Alexis MICHEL

Dr. Alexis MICHEL is a founding member of CeRISS. He has more than 10 years’ experience in International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) with an emphasis on bilateral cooperation. Among others, he was appointed scientific attache at the French Embassy in Greece from 2001 to 2006. Since 2009, he is deputy cultural counsellor at the French Embassy in Turkey.

He served as director of the Science Centre of Lyons (France) in 2007-9, during which time he was involved in various EU projects (FP7 Capacities, People, Life+) and participated actively in the activities of the French SinS NCP. He has as well a long experience of the Lifelong learning programme.

Alexis MICHEL started his career at the University Bordeaux 1, where he still holds a tenure as reader in Pure Mathematics. He was an EU Leibniz post-doc fellow at Cambridge (UK) in 1993-95.
